a collective for sporty girls

Func Bod is a collective for sporty girls.
By sharing the feats of female athletes, we emphasize what women can do, tie the ideal of a beautiful body to form and function, and inspire young athletes to go big.
While health and wellness undoubtedly play a major role in athletic performance, this site is meant to tell stories of women accomplishing athletic feats. There are hundreds of blogs that focus on what women put on their bodies and into their bodies; no one is covering the raw athleticism and function of the female body, or how athletics play a huge role in developing girls into strong women.
In college, I took a class that dissected the relationship between sports media and society. The most interesting question we discussed was this: why is there so little coverage of women’s sports?
Are women less likely to headline ESPN because their athleticism isn’t as impressive? (I think we can all agree to disagree with this theory.) Or because mainstream media throws more advertising dollars and hype at men’s sports? Because many sports, like basketball and softball, are considered masculine? Or, perhaps because men have been celebrated athletes for much longer than women have been allowed to take the field?
Popular media theory also suggests that women consume content differently than men, and no media outlet has attempted to cover women’s sports in a meaningful way.
Func Bod aims to fill this content gap.